Reduction in the death rate from breast cancer.
Randomized clinical trials conducted in the early 1990s estimated a significant reduction in the mortality rate from breast cancer of 25-30% in the group of women aged 50 to 69 who undergo regular screening mammography. Since then, numerous mammography screening programs have been launched mammogram screening in West Orange.
What is mammography?
Mammography is the study of the breast through the use of ionizing radiation (X-rays) and is the key examination for the investigation, prevention and early diagnosis of breast tumors.
What is digital mammography with tomosynthesis?
Just as it is the advent for radiography, nowadays mammography has also become digital , this allows to use a lower intensity of X-rays and to obtain a high quality image. By tomosynthesis invence we mean the ability of the technique to study the breast by layers and through the processing of the data obtained to obtain a reconstruction of the volume of the breast .
What are the benefits of tomosynthesis?
Compared to traditional mammography, tomosynthesis has a lower number of false postitives and allows the identification of even small lesions allowing an early diagnosis guaranteeing a 40% increase in diagnostic potential.
Are there any risks or dangers?
The mammogram is a painful issue in most cases. Thanks to the new digital technology, a low dose of X-rays is used , which makes the diagnostic benefit far superior to any secondary effects.
When is digital mammography with tomosynthesis prescribed?
The importance of early diagnosis for breast cancer means that mammography is a highly recommended routine and screening exam for women over 40. Therefore, in addition to cases of suspected or ascertained breast pathologies, it is advisable to schedule periodic mammograms as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
Exam preparation
No specific preparation is required for mammography, it is useful for non-menopausal women to undergo the examination in the period between the 5th and 12th day from the beginning of menstruation to avoid performing the examination during the ovulatory period , when the breast is generally very tense and often spontaneously painful.
What are the differences between breast ultrasound and mammography?
“Breast ultrasound is an examination performed through the use of ultrasound while mammography is an x-ray examination. The first is used above all to evaluate the breast in its adipose and fibrous structure. It is widely used in young women because it allows the identification of structures such as fibrocystic mastopathy or fibroadenomas, which are benign nodules with a fibrous consistency. Mammography, on the other hand, is aimed at identifying micro-calcifications or small nodules especially in women who have an involutionary breast, therefore over 40 years old ”.
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